This is a good way to burn more calories, stay active, and help your body recover.

This kind of workout is great when you have extra stress in your life, whether that stress be training, work, or life stress.

Keep moving, use light weights, and try to keep your heart rate between 120-150 bpm.

A1) Deadlift

  • ? sets of 5 reps
  • Rest: PRN
  • 2010 tempo

Drive through the legs.

A2) Push Up

  • ? sets of 8 reps
  • Rest: PRN
  • 2010 tempo

Elevate your hands on a bench or barbell in a squat rack if needed. Reach long through your arms at the top.

A3) Side Medicine Ball Throw

  • ? sets of 8 reps
  • Rest: PRN
  • EXP tempo

Reps = # per side.

A4) Reverse Lunge

  • ? sets of 6 reps
  • Rest: PRN
  • 2010 tempo

Reps = # per side.

A5) Leg Lowering with Band Pulldown

  • ? sets of 6 reps
  • Rest: PRN
  • 1310 tempo

Reps = # per side. Alternate sides. Back stays stable in the ground.