Here’s a list of movements that I like to use after freeing up some mobility with a reset exercise.
This is designed to just make you feel good. You should feel a little tightness in your abdomen and freedom in your arms and legs when you’ve completed it.
A1) Rockback With Abs
- 1 sets of 8 reps
- Rest: 0
- ISO tempo
Reps = # of breaths; keep hips tucked to feel lower, outer abdominals throughout
A2) Rocking
- 1 sets of 20 reps
- Rest: 0
- DYN tempo
Keep hips tucked to feel lower, outer abdominals throughout
A3) Supine Knee-to-Elbow Rolling
- 1 sets of 10 reps
- Rest: 0
- 101 tempo
Keep contact between knee and elbow; boost up with a block if needed
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