Mastering Fitness

Lance Goyke

Personal Trainer, Fitness Educator, and Web Developer

Become a fitness master

Programs, books, and more to come

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Coaching Tips for the Single Leg Romanian Deadlift

The single leg Romanian deadlift is one of my favorite exercises to program. My clients know to expect to see it in their programs.

One of my clients was having some trouble performing it a few weeks ago. I broke it down for him and thought the explanation might be able to help some people out there.

Everything following is part of the email I sent him which breaks down my thought process and gives specific cues to address his technique on this exercise.

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Specificity for Jiu Jitsu Fighters: Are you a fan of single leg jumps?

My Brazilian Jiu Jitsu fighter client and I had a recent exchange about single leg jumps and their efficacy for him. He was under the impression that I thought they were not very useful for him, which sparked a long response about the specificity principle of training.

Below is my response. I thought it would be a good piece to share and would love to hear your thoughts in the comments if you want to chime in.

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Finding Comfort in the Uncomfortable: What a whiny high school girl can teach you about hard work

Imagine you’re a personal trainer. You’ve just told a group of ten of your clients to do barbell front squats, and now they appear to be doing their best impressions of a dying worm. Like a broken record, they’re repeating the phrase, “I can’t do it.” Two of them complain that the exercise is uncomfortable and their wrists hurt.

Due to limitations of manpower, equipment, and time, you have two responses to choose from:

  1. “Okay. Let’s take you back down to the kettlebell front squat we always do.”
  2. “Okay. Can you keep going or do you need an alternative?”

Worth noting, you must convey sincere nonverbal and verbal compassion in your response. Obviously, there are other things you can do, such as kick them in the groin and tell them they’re being a child, but the two listed above are the top two choices in my mind. Feel free to discuss alternatives in the comments below.

So which option do you pick?

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3 Simple Steps to Study Anything Even When You’re the Laziest Person You Know

To confess, I’ve always been lazy.

Like, super lazy. I know it’s human nature to put in the least amount of effort possible. But seriously, I would never study growing up. Even up until I finished my Kinesiology degree in 2012… let’s just say I was not the best student.

Heck, we were just on fall break and I wanted to study the nervous system. I got out of my routine just a little bit, distracting thoughts enter my head, and then I essentially became useless.

I’ll write those two days off as a needed break, but it’s amazing what a small change in your schedule can do to you.

More specifically for me, it’s a lack of schedule that is most crippling.

I run into people every day who ask how I do the things I do. “You’re just studying that… for fun?” I was walking with a friend yesterday who asked how she can stop procrastinating everything to the last minute.

Let’s talk about it.

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