Have you ever been uninspired to go to the gym?
Maybe the gym isn’t the place you should be going.
Yesterday, I convinced my siblings to go to the nearby school with me and play soccer. Then I made them pose awkwardly so I could tell the internet about it.

I wanted to exercise, but I didn’t want traditional gym stuff. I needed something fun and unpredictable.
Stuff like this 2v2 soccer game gets undervalued by the analytical-minded. I’ve fallen into this trap before. But if four unskilled Goykes can go play soccer and get their hearts pumping, maybe that’s a viable substitute to structured training.
It doesn’t matter what skill level you are; it’s still fun, and you still get a workout. So feelings of incompetence are not valid excuses. NOT IN MY HOUSE!
Take my youngest sister, for instance.
Rylie very much dislikes exercise. She’s even told us, “Face it, guys. I’m just not meant to exercise.”
If you want to ride a roller coaster of emotion, listen to your sister tell you that. Gives me shivers just thinking about it.
This was her last night at my Team Training group class (yes, we got her to get up and move around twice in one day).

The fact that she’s capable of that fake smile while doing a plank shows how far she’s come. Someone who has never liked exercise is started to think maybe it could be okay.
My goal for her is NOT perfect exercise technique, but enjoyment of the exercise experience. Does technique play into that? Yes, because I need to manage the pain she feels. This negative emotion combats the positive emotions I want her to have. Otherwise, technique is on the backburner.
We’ve got miles to go with her, but we’ve come lightyears.
Next time you’re feeling like Rylie, try something new. All you need is a bike, a ball, and ground.