Mastering Fitness

Lance Goyke

Personal Trainer, Fitness Educator, and Web Developer

Become a fitness master

Programs, books, and more to come

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Maybe You Shouldn’t Do Yoga, CrossFit, or Squat Deep

Doing any one thing in particular is unnecessary for your goals, no matter what they are. But doing something is necessary for progress.

  1. Find a direction.
  2. Figure out what steps will get you towards there.
  3. Re-evaluate monthly.
  4. Stay the course.
  5. Make every day a win.

Fitness is a bit of an amorphous target. It’s generic. Does it mean cardiovascular fitness? Weight loss? Relative strength? Absolute strength? Weight deadlifted? Flexibility measured? Workout done in x number of minutes?

Is your goal a fitness goal? Or are you just trying out a new training method?

Most people I work with — at least the “regular” people with day jobs — want to be more fit. It would always be nice to be skinnier, stronger, leaner, toner, healthier, smarter, more muscular, more patient, more even-keeled, less anxious, less depressed, less neurotic, less unstable.

But if you want these things, we have to talk about goal setting.

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Safely Reaching the Arms Overhead

Are you one of those people who likes to do overhead barbell pressing… but has no business pressing a barbell overhead?

How do you get your arms overhead? How do your clients get their arms overhead? Do you have the range of motion to do it safely? Or are you just overloading your back and irritating your shoulders?

I don’t want to sit here and pretend to tell you that I have the magic answer. It doesn’t work like that.

What I CAN offer you, however, is some insight on some of the things that have seemed to work for me… even the things that are a little counterintuitive.

Today we’ll discuss some things that have helped my clients safely perform overhead work.

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Your life isn’t margaritas on a beach in Jamaica. That happens now and then. Those are exceptions.

Your life is how your wife greets you at the door when you come home every day. Because that’s, like, 10 minutes a day.

Your life is how you treat each other at the breakfast table because that’s an hour hour and a half or an hour every single day.

You get those mundane things right, those things you do every day. You concentrate on them and you make them pristine. It’s like: you’ve got 80% of your life put together. These little things that are right in front of us, they are not little. That’s the first thing: they are not little. And they’re hard to set right. And if you set them right it has a rippling effect. And fast, too. Way faster than people think.

Jordan Peterson
From “The Joe Rogan Experience”
Episode #1070, 1:59:13

Supplement Recommendations

Last updated: June 27, 2022

NOTE: If you use the links on this page to buy from Muscle Feast, they’ll give you three bucks off your order.

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ProteinBCAAsCreatineMultivitaminFish oilVitamin D
Whey recommendation — Muscle Feast Grass Fed Whey Isolate

Vegan recommendation — Naked Pea Protein

Mixer bottle if not blending — Blender Bottle

Top Recommendation — Muscle Feast BCAA 4:1:1
Top Recommendation — Muscle Feast Creapure®
Top Recommendation — Designs for Health

I’ve given your whey protein recommendation to like 10+ folks who had previously not been able to tolerate whey — all have been able to have it without issue… pretty cool.
Tim R

Though dietary supplements are both plentiful and popular, it takes a lot to make me actually recommend one.

There are a wide range of things that can help you get the fitter, healthier, and sexier body that YOU want. Supplements generally yield much less benefit than, say, a consistent diet and proper exercise.

But some supplements can make a lot of things better. I’ll list off my recommendations along with a short explanation of what they are and why I recommend them.

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