Mastering Fitness

Personal Trainer, Fitness Educator, and Web Developer

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Tag: exercise (Page 1 of 4)

Autoregulation – Modifying workouts when you aren’t feeling your best

The biggest value in having a coach is in coming up with a plan B.

Anyone can write a program or find one on the internet, but it takes knowledge, skill, and even some intuition to modify that program on the fly.

If you never need modifications, I call you a unicorn. If you frequently need modifications, I’m sorry for your luck and I know how you feel.

Autoregulation how we modify your training program for any given day. It demonstrates both the science and the art side of coaching. I could gather a gather a bunch of data about you:

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Supplement Recommendations

Last updated: June 27, 2022

NOTE: If you use the links on this page to buy from Muscle Feast, they’ll give you three bucks off your order.

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ProteinBCAAsCreatineMultivitaminFish oilVitamin D
Whey recommendation — Muscle Feast Grass Fed Whey Isolate

Vegan recommendation — Naked Pea Protein

Mixer bottle if not blending — Blender Bottle

Top Recommendation — Muscle Feast BCAA 4:1:1
Top Recommendation — Muscle Feast Creapure®
Top Recommendation — Designs for Health

I’ve given your whey protein recommendation to like 10+ folks who had previously not been able to tolerate whey — all have been able to have it without issue… pretty cool.
Tim R

Though dietary supplements are both plentiful and popular, it takes a lot to make me actually recommend one.

There are a wide range of things that can help you get the fitter, healthier, and sexier body that YOU want. Supplements generally yield much less benefit than, say, a consistent diet and proper exercise.

But some supplements can make a lot of things better. I’ll list off my recommendations along with a short explanation of what they are and why I recommend them.

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