Mastering Fitness

Personal Trainer, Fitness Educator, and Web Developer

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Tag: single leg romanian deadlift

Leaning During a Lunge

So you’ve caught yourself or someone else doing this little lean thing while lunging.

Whatever is going on, you know that it ain’t right. That’s a great start! But… what IS going on?

Addressing the Thorax

There are a few things that might be going on here. I’ll describe them based on how they look.

  • Lateral translation of the thorax, looks more like a listing pole
  • Side crunching of the thorax, looks more like one shoulder is lower than the other
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Another Perspective on the Single Leg Romanian Deadlift

One of my powerlifting clients came to me after he was unable to continue lifting.

The kid is hilarious and super fun to work with, but his movement needs some work. After going through his initial assessment videos… let’s just say I wasn’t surprised that he needed a change.

He’s been putting in some work for a few patient months now. I ask all of my clients for feedback on what they like and what they don’t like about the their program when it’s time to write a new one. He and I had an interesting exchange before I wrote his program…

He said he didn’t really like the single leg Romanian deadlifts (SLRDLs).

Now, those who know me know how big a fan I am of the SLRDL. And knowing about the issues he has with stability in the frontal plane, I had a feeling that he was compensating to make the movement easier and to avoid using the right muscles in the right positions.

Let’s break it down.

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Coaching Tips for the Single Leg Romanian Deadlift

The single leg Romanian deadlift is one of my favorite exercises to program. My clients know to expect to see it in their programs.

One of my clients was having some trouble performing it a few weeks ago. I broke it down for him and thought the explanation might be able to help some people out there.

Everything following is part of the email I sent him which breaks down my thought process and gives specific cues to address his technique on this exercise.

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