Mastering Fitness

Personal Trainer, Fitness Educator, and Web Developer

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Tag: Crossfit

Getting Good Technique Out of Ex-Athletes and Crossfitters

If you’ve followed me for… pretty much any length of time, you know that I tend to prioritize quality movement before most other things. That’s why I’ve been releasing one video a day on various exercises for the last 239 days and counting.

So I care about good technique. It’s not always the answer, but biomechanics is interesting to me.

Some clients, though, come in with blatant disregard for technique. This is commonly the recovering Crossfitter or college athlete. They don’t feel like they’ve done a workout unless they’re lying in a puddle of sweat by the end of it. They might do 2 hour workouts for fun. They’re usually addicted to the burn.

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Measuring Your Progress

Getting frustrated with your progress — or lack thereof?

Maybe you’re right and you need to consider a new plan. That’s okay! But you have to know what you’ve been doing. And today I’ll help you set some goals (though you should talk to your coach and come up with a plan together).

Maybe, however, you actually HAVE made progress, but you just can’t see it. Let me help you take a step back and evaluate.

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Maybe You Shouldn’t Do Yoga, CrossFit, or Squat Deep

Doing any one thing in particular is unnecessary for your goals, no matter what they are. But doing something is necessary for progress.

  1. Find a direction.
  2. Figure out what steps will get you towards there.
  3. Re-evaluate monthly.
  4. Stay the course.
  5. Make every day a win.

Fitness is a bit of an amorphous target. It’s generic. Does it mean cardiovascular fitness? Weight loss? Relative strength? Absolute strength? Weight deadlifted? Flexibility measured? Workout done in x number of minutes?

Is your goal a fitness goal? Or are you just trying out a new training method?

Most people I work with — at least the “regular” people with day jobs — want to be more fit. It would always be nice to be skinnier, stronger, leaner, toner, healthier, smarter, more muscular, more patient, more even-keeled, less anxious, less depressed, less neurotic, less unstable.

But if you want these things, we have to talk about goal setting.

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