Mastering Fitness

Personal Trainer, Fitness Educator, and Web Developer

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Tag: Bill Hartman

Getting Huge While Moving Well

I just saw a comment on one of my daily YouTube videos that shook me.

It’s not that it was particularly scary or outrageous… it just reminded me so much of me.

How do you get huge while nursing your body? Is it even possible?

How do you treat that nagging shoulder/elbow/hip/back/etc but still have fun in the gym?

How do you sweat and make your muscles burn when you feel indefinitely injured?

This post is probably the most existential topic I’ve ever covered. It addresses the questions I’ve been pondering the most for the last decade.

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“Einstein” of Physical Therapy Completely Reboots His Bionic Body and Mind

He’s the perfect blend of intellect and creativity, a true modern-day Einstein…

Working all day, reading two extra hours (at least) every night, eating an anti-inflammatory diet, and working out every day… while still finding time to have fun with his wife and friends. Everyone wonders how does he do it?

He’s unparalleled. And that’s why he’s so well-respected.

And after losing almost 40lbs, he’s ready to share his method — rooted in science — to help you become the person we all strive to be.

After realizing he wasn’t practicing what he was preaching, Bill Hartman, PT, decided to make a new system for total body and mind health — a path to clarity (without all the foo foo B.S.).

I remember him telling me about his diet: “I was just sloppy.”

Health tips and facts, though true, simply aren’t enough for most people. Everyone knows they SHOULD eat more vegetables, but how is that possible with a busy work schedule, ambitious goals, and a need for social connection?

To make health change, we need rules and structure…

That’s why the ALL GAIN, NO PAIN system was born. Principles — commandments, even — to minimize your pains and maximize your gains.

Having worked with him for almost a decade, I have no shame telling you Bill is a present day Einstein (except Albert didn’t have two fake hips and a rotator cuff tear). Also, he’d kill me if he knew I was calling him this… on the internet, no less. Shhhh this can be our little secret.

The ALL GAIN, NO PAIN system is about:

  • Losing the excess fat you don’t even know you have (in addition to the fat you are painfully aware of)
  • Maintaining (and even building) your physical strength in spite of your aging body
  • Optimizing sleep to always feel energized and ready to go, whether that be for work, play, or bedroom activities (like, you know, hanging a picture frame)
  • Reducing inflammation to make your knees, back, and other joints feel 30 years younger
  • Finding your routine to organize your life (and mind) for clear thought
  • Spending your precious remaining life hours on important things to leave your legacy and impact the world

If you’re ready to take back control of your life… lose the weight… exterminate the pain… be maximally productive…

Just adopt the ALL GAIN NO PAIN system. It’s already proven! Don’t waste your time and energy reinventing the wheel; spend it making yourself better.

ALL GAIN, NO PAIN is available now on Amazon as a Kindle book for only $4.99. Read it on your Kindle, phone (with the Kindle app), computer, or even iPad starting immediately.

I read this book in a single sitting.

WTF is this PRI?

Most of you who read my blog already know what it means when I say PRI. There is some misconception around the internet as to what PRI can do for you and where it fits into your treatment model as a strength coach, personal trainer, chiro, physical therapist, or whatever you do.

PRI comprises the bulk of my assessment and reassessment protocol for new clients. It is the base of my methodology. Eric does a great job of explaining the thought process in a way that is much more articulate than I could ever hope to convey.

The foreword below is Bill Hartman, and the information is courtesy of Eric Oetter, who writes from the perspective of physical therapy and strength & conditioning. The post speaks for itself and I share it here because the content needs to be disseminated to the masses. Pass it along.


BH: “This a post from our boy Eric Oetter. It’s probably the best written synopsis of therapeutic intervention with an understanding of the role that Postural Restoration Institute methodology and other tools play in the process. It needs to be passed around to everyone especially those responsible for educating the next generation of clinicians and practitioners. Please share.”


It’s becoming increasingly clear that the path to system variability and pain-free movement is gated by neuroception (i.e. limbic threat appraisal) and autonomic nervous system output. And its these two properties of the nervous system which govern the effects of the innumerable methodologies therapists use to expunge system rigidity.

Autonomous of discipline or method, clinicians intervene at the level of the receptor (rods, otoliths, mechanoreceptors, etc.), engendering unique signal transduction and transmission into a sea of equal status patterns which participate in collective summing within the brain.

We’d hope our therapeutic inputs contribute to a modification in the perceptive capabilities of the patient, though (as we all know) this is not always the case. Some inputs never reach the level of perception while others exceed the adaptive capacity of an already rigid system, perpetuating chronic limbic hijack and sympathetic dominance.

But a positive change in perception opens valuable cortical real estate for neuroplastic remapping via graded exposure, which is the substrate for system variability. This is really the goal of any physical therapy intervention.

So, how do we know we’re dealing with a rigid system in the first place? And furthermore, how can we evaluate the efficacy of our inputs with respect to restoring system variability?

Beyond many other “systems” I’ve experimented with, PRI seems to provide the most cogent answers to the above questions. And it’s the “umbrella” which explains, to me, why other methods work.

What PRI provides is a means to identify a predictable pattern of ANS-mediated anti-gravitational motor output for a collection of systems held in some degree of rigidity. The perspective they bestow is quite comprehensive; PRI is a unified system respective of ALL sensory inputs capable of influencing reticular output (mechanoreception, vision, audition, etc.).

But woven through its complexities, their simple orthopedic testing and treatment algorithms provide a reliable means to assess this aberrant output, as well as evaluate the systemic and perceptual perturbations that might follow any therapeutic intervention (PRI, Mulligan, Maitland, MDT, ART, etc).

Because interventions can be both synergistic or antagonistic to the pattern PRI presents, utilizing a withdrawal A-B-A study design during a treatment session (with the patient functioning as their own control) upholds an element of internal validity beyond what other systems might be able to provide. I’d argue this makes PRI a powerful adjunct to anything you’re already doing, as we scrounge for external validity in a increasingly heterogeneous population.

PRI treatment aims to recapture reciprocal and alternating movement in three planes across the three girdles of the body. And PRI is never about fixing posture – it’s about restoring system balance, variability, and adaptive potential.

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