Pelvis & Perineum 3 study guide What is Denovillers fascia? What is it used for? What is pouch of Douglas? What are different bladder conditions? Make sure to include: urinary retention, neurogenic bladder, cystocele. Diagram a superior view of the female pelvic viscera. Include: uterus, bladder, rectum, pouch of Douglas, uterosacral lig, broad ligament, round ligament, ovarian ligament. Which os of the cervix protrudes into the vagina? Diagram a frontal section of the uterus and uterine tubes. Include: body, fundux, internal os, external os, isthmus, infundibulum, fimbria. How many longitudinal axes are there from vaginal opening to uterine fundus? What direction of flexion is the normal uterine position (anteflexion or retroflexion)? Where would you insert a needle to drain fluid from the peritoneal cavity? What is the state of the pelvic floor musculature when cervical prolapse has occurred? Diagram a sagittal section of the uterus. Include: meso-salpinx, meso-ovarium, meso-metrium. What are 6 different types of ligaments? What category does the endopelvic fascia fall into? How about the cardinal and uterosacral ligaments? What blood vessels are just superior to the ureter? What are just below? What is a TAHBSO? The lumbosacral plexus is from where to where? What are the cord levels for superior gluteal n.? Inferior gluteal? T/F: The pelvic floor muscles are innervated by the pudendal n. Diagram the course of the common iliac a. Include: internal iliac, ant/post divisions of int iliac, external iliac, iliolumbar, lateral sacral, superior gluteal, inferior gluteal, internal pudendal, midial umbilical lig, umbilical a., superior vesical aa. What are the three major branches off of the internal iliac a.? What four arteries form the cruciate anastomosis? What artery crosses the pelvic brim? Diagram a sagittal section of the male pelvis and perineum. Include: ureter, vas deferens, median umbilical ligament, seminal vesicle, bladder, internal urethral sphincter, ejaculatory duct, prostatic utricle, prostatic urethra, prostate. What is a vasectomy? What are the 4 zones of the prostate? What are the 3 major openings of the prostate? Where is the seminal colliculus? Urethral crest? What is BPH? What zone of the prostate is this associated with? What prostatic region is prostatic carcinoma usually associated with? What are the autonomics of erection and ejaculation? What are the causes of hemorrhoids? How are internal and external hemorrhoids different?