Head and Neck I study guide What are the fascial layers of the cervical region? Where is the superficial cervical fascia, deep investing fascia, visceral cervical fascia, carotid sheath, and prevertebral fascia? Where is the retrovisceral space? What are the superficial landmarks of the neck? Where is the mental prominence, hyoid bone, thyrohyoid membrane, thyroid cartilage, laryngeal prominence, cricoid cartilage, cricothyroid membrane, tracheal, sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle, and sternal notch? What bone of the neck is a fusion of two bones from early development? What bone is sesamoid? What cartilage is a circle? Where is the thyroid gland? What are some landmarks of the thyroid cartilage? Where is the suprasternal notch? What is the shape of the trachea? What nerve and artery pierce the thyrohyoid membrane? What tissues do they supply? What is the platysma? What innervates it? What fascial layer invests it? What are the cutaneous sensory branches of the cervical plexus? What is puntum nervosum / Erb's Point? Which nerve follows the external jugular up to the mandible? Are they deep or superficial to the sternocleidomastoid? Why would someone get a cervical foraminotomy? Cervical fusion? What are the triangles of the neck? What are the borders for the anterior and posterior triangle? Occipital? Supraclavicular? Submandibular? Submental? Carotid? Muscular? Which is the only unpaired triangle? What are the superficial infrahyoid muscles? Deep infrahyoid muscles? What is the function of the SCM? What is cervical torticolis? What are the superficial veins of the neck? What muscles compose the floor of the posterior triangle? Where are the external jugular v., internal jugular v., common facial v., anterior jugular v., facial v., retromandibular v., anterior communicating v.? What is the motor innervation to the infrahyoids? What comprises the ansa cervicalis? What are the contents of the carotid triangle? What are the contents of the carotid sheath? What level does the common carotid a. usually branch into the internal and external carotid aa.? What are the branches of the external carotid a.? Which are anterior? Which are posterior? Which are terminal? Which would you be palpating if you took your pulse on the external surface of the mandible? SALFOPSM What is the carotid sinus? What is its function? What is the nervous reflex arc? What about the carotid body? What are the contents of the submandibular triangle? What are the suprahyoid muscles? Which do CN motor V3 innervate? Which do CN VII innervate? Which are innervated by C1? Which leaves the skull via the stylomastoid foramen? What muscle bisects the stylohyoid muscle? What are the contents of the submental triangle? Where is the thyroid gland? Occasionally, a pyramidal lobe persists. It is a remnant of what structure? Where is the recurrent laryngeal n.? Superior laryngeal n? Which becomes the internal and external laryngeal nn.? What is their nervous source? Which of these pierce the thyrohyoid membrane? Which of these 3 end branches are sensory? Motor to the cricothyroid muscle? Both? Which artery is just proximal to the superior laryngeal artery? Where are the parathyroid glands located? What is their function? What is the path of lymphatic drainage in the neck? What is a radical neck lymphectomy? How many cervical sympathetic ganglia are there? What is the path of sympathetic nerve condution to the head and neck?