Anterior Abdominal Wall study guide What landmarks compose the borders of the abdominal cavity? What is the arcuate line? What are notable bony landmarks located in the abdomen? What is the pelvic brim? How is it different from the arcuate line? What is the "true pelvis"? "False pelvis"? What type of tissue composes the pubic symphysis? Sacroiliac joint? How are the joints different? T/F: The abdominal cavity communicates with the pelvic cavity. What types of things can move freely between these spaces? Where is the transpyloric plane? Intertubercular plane? What is Camper's fascia? Scarpa's fascia and its importance? Fascia lata and what does it fuse with? Colles' fascia? Superficial penile/clitoral fascia? Dartos fascia? Which of these are continuous? Which fascia fuses with the urogenital diaphragm? What is urinary extravasation? What are the veins of the anterior abdominal wall? Where do they lead to? What is caput medusae? What is it a sign of? What are the main arteries of the anterior abdominal wall? Where do they lead to? Where does the blood in the superior epigastric artery come from? What are the main nerves of the anterior abdominal wall? Where do they terminate? $$Ilioinguinal nerve What is a dermatome? What is the dermatome for the umbilical area? Where is the "watershed" line and what is its significance in lymph drainage? What is the path of lymph drainage from the testes? Scrotal skin? Is this lymph drainage superficial or deep? What are the notable ligaments of the lower abdomen/false pelvis region? Where do sutures in inguinal surgeries get anchored into? What forms the inguinal ligament? What forms the superficial inguinal ring? Which muscle has no significant attachment to the pubic crest? Which ligament is an inrolling of this muscle? Which oblique abdominal muscle attaches to the linea alba? Thoracolumbar fascia? What is the conjoint tendon? What does it reinforce? Which oblique muscle gives rise to the cremaster muscle? What is the arcuate line of the abdominal wall? What passes through it? What are tendinous insertions? What muscle has these? What is their purpose? What muscle is an important landmark for internal abdominal structures? What is the linea semilunaris? Linea alba? What is the approximate position of the appendix? What structure helps us find that? What is the innervation of the muscles of the abdominal wall? What is the rectus sheath? Why is it there? Where does it stop? What is the transversalis fascia? Where is it easiest to see? What is just deep to it? What is protecting the abdominal wall just inferior to the rectus sheath? What is its relevance to inguinal hernias? *resting tone is more important in bipeds because there needs to be support of the viscera What abdominal muscle is not present inferior to the arcuate line? What is rectus diastasis? Where does it commonly occur in women? Why? Men? What is the median fold? Medial folds? Lateral folds? How many? What is the inguinal canal? What are its contents? What are the layers of the abdominal wall? Which layer is not a layer of the spermatic cord? What is the cremasteric reflex arc? Its afferent limb? Efferent limb? What does it test for? What is a hernia? What are the different types of abdominal hernias? What is the normal inguinal anatomy of the male? What are the anatomical relationships for the deep inguinal ring? What is Hesselbach's triangle? Why is it important? What is a direct inguinal hernia? Indirect inguinal hernia? How do you tell them apart clinically? *Directs are more common in older males. How do the testes develop? What is the processus vaginalis? Gubernaculum? Tunica vaginalis? What is cryptorchidism?