Ch 12 study guide The Urogenital System Which system develops first: the urinary system or the genital system? From what does the metanephroi develop? Where do they come from? What do they give rise to? Where do the kidneys first start? Where do they then migrate to? In terms of growth rates, why might this migration occur? What is a double ureter? Supernumerary kidney? Ectopic kidney? From where does the urinary bladder develop? What is exstrophy of the bladder? What is epispadias? When is chromosomal sex established? When do the gonads attain sexual characteristics? Where do primordial germ cells come from? What do they eventually become? When do the external genitalia acquire distinct sexual characteristics? What gene determines gonadal sex? Where is this gene located? What cells produce testosterone? What is the function of this testosterone? What is MIS? Where is it produced? What does it do? What sex chromosome combination is required for ovaries to develop? What happens to the mesonephric ducts? What do the paramesonephric ducts develop into? From what does the vaginal plate come? What does it become? What external genitalia persist in this gonadal scenario? What is ovotesticular DSD? What are the two types that can occur? Why do these presentations arise? What could cause double uterus? What is cryptorchidism? Ectopic testes? What abnormalities might cause these conditions? What is congenital inguinal hernia? Hydrocele? What do they result from? What is hypospasias? How does it happen?